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Tropical plants, will they grow at your place?

Plant buying Plant Care

Whether you live in a tropical zone or a cooler climate, there are many ways to grow tropical plants at your place. Here are a few things we've learned over the years.

Tropical plants generally need two extra things to create that jungle environment they love so much, warmth and humidity. Protection from frosts and temperatures below 12c for extended periods is also important.

Tropical/subtropical zone.

Nature can generally provide enough warmth and humidity without too much intervention from you if you live in a tropical or subtropical zone. Less water in the cooler months and some misting during hot, dry periods are usually enough 'extras' for most indoor/outdoor tropical plants to thrive in these areas. 

Temperate/Arid zones.

Philodendron, anthurium, Syngonium and many other tropical Aroids will grow in these zones if they are living indoors in a heated environment when minimum temps drop below about 12°c for extended periods. They will usually be happy outside in a shaded spot during Australia's warm Summer season. with enough water, misting and protection from hot dry winds.

Tropical plants will need some humidity if living indoors in warm dry air and good airflow is important. Clustering plants together in a group to create a little microclimate will help maintain any humidity you can generate. Placing larger plants on top of a pebble filled tray of water is another way to increase humidity.

Using a humidifier is the next level of growing in cooler and dryer climates. There are many available on the market. Check out your local plant groups to see what works best in your area. Local knowledge is gold. Using resources like garden groups or collector groups on social media can help you tap into some local knowledge.

Tropical plants are not suited to growing outside in colder climates. I know that with a lot of plant knowledge and experience and unique microclimates, some of you gardeners out there have had extraordinary success growing tropical plants where others have failed. Gardening is all about trial an error and learning as we go. If you are new to gardening always do your research about what will grow at your place before spending the dollars, or be prepared to go to the lengths required to protect your plants from the cold, usually more dollars.

There are many resources online including maps of the various climate zones. Make sure you know where you fit in to the climate zones at your place before going tropical.







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